Monday, 4 July 2016

7 delicious reasons to switch over to Sour Sop

Sour Sop is the new rock star of the beverage industry, giving a run for money to coffee, tea and beer. It is not just aromatic and good to taste but is extremely healthy and a doctor’s recommendation. If you are suffering the guilt of indulging in your coffee, you can kick the evil without kicking the pleasure. Merely by switching over to Sour Sop, you can continue to relish a tasty drink and still ensure that your health is not being taken for a ride.

Just to give you a prod in the right direction, here we present seven delicious reasons why to go for Sour Sop:
  1. Medicine man’s votes: Your doctor may tell you to quit alcohol or to cut down on caffeine but Sour Sop gets the medicine man’s votes. This drink, hailing from the land of Latin America and the islands of Caribbean, is like several health pills popped into one leaf. Its myriad health-related benefits will need a book to fill. Be prepared to experience it on your own!
  2. Good for the working class: If you are a proletariat who does a full-time job serving a capitalist MNC, then Sour Sop will be good for you. Its rejuvenating and calming influence will go a long way in toughening you up, both from physical and mental fronts.
  3. Helpful for the elderly: Elderly people battling nerve problems and heart ailments won’t mind a few cups of this beautiful drink whose sedative property has been proven time and again over centuries. Sour Sop has been silently in use by natives of Mexico, Cuba, Caribbean and Africa. But now, thanks to word-of-mouth publicity, the fruit has sprung to the limelight and is being craved all across the globe.
  4. Excellent for stressed students: If you think that the drink is meant only for the old and the diseased, then you can’t be more wrong than that! Its calming property is so good that even college students who often have to battle exam-related stress find the drink a hearty change in their daily diet.
  5. Tasty: Sour Sop is like that magical potion that helps your body and mind without robbing your taste buds of the simple joys of gastronomical life. It is more than just palatable and many people find it tastier than their usual caffeine and liquor.
  6. Easily available: And we are not talking about an herb for which you’ll need to climb the Himalayas. Its growing popularity amongst the common man has ensured that it is easily available online. Besides, it is easy on the pocket too and there are varieties to play with.
  7. Available as drink or as capsule: Finally, if you don’t want to grapple with leaves, you can buy it as readymade drinks. Furthermore, if you are still not interested in drinking this thing, you can just buy the sour sop capsules and pop them daily to help your body. It is as simple as that!

Seven Benefits of Soursop: the “Miracle Fruit of Tropics”

Are you someone suffering from arthritis, or one who feels week or exhausted every time you come back from your office? Have you ever thought to try soursop drinks? If no, then it’s the time you should consider this tropical fruit to revitalize your body and brain, by keeping many diseases and disorders at bay. Yes, you read it right. Guyabano, or soursop as it is commonly called, has many amazing medicinal properties which make it the “miracle fruit of the tropics”. Native to South America, the fruit is rich in many nutrients such as Vitamin C and B1, potassium and detoxifiers, and hence has proved very effective in curing various diseases. 

Here are seven soursop health benefits you might be unaware of.
Prevent UTI: An excellent source of vitamin C, soursop leaves are very effectual at preventing Urinary Tract Infection. Take soursop leaves regularly, and it will definitely help in improving the acidity level of urine and damaging the harmful bacteria present in the urinary tract. 

Constipation: Constipation problem? Drink it away! Rich in fiber, soursop leaves can help ease the difficult evacuation of the bowel. A glass of soursop juice a day improves your digestive system that is essential to avert constipation.

Cancer: Soursop is known as a cancer killer. Scientist studies have found that the fruit and leaves curb cancer cells effectively and most importantly without any side effect. Boil soursop eaves and make it a drink. Take it thrice a day and the effects can be seen in a month or so. As of now, soursop leaves drinks are believed to be an effective home remedy for as many as 12 types of cancers including breast, lung and prostate.

Strengthen Immune System: Substances found in soursop fruits and leaves help purify your blood and detoxify you body. It efficiently improves your diseases fighting ability and makes your body stay fit.

Prevents leg cramps: Leg cramp is a common issue that mid-aged people have to endure. The problem mainly arises due to lack of potassium in the body. Soursop fruits have a good supply of potassium and shelter from leg cramps and other age-related decadency.

Boost Cholesterol Level: Soursop consists of profitable Niacin, minerals and Thiamin that aids in boosting your cholesterol level. The drink is also recommended in preventing water retention and produce energy. 

Overcome Heart Diseases: Researchers have claimed that soursop drinks, taken regularly, can help surmount many heart diseases, liver problems and kidney disease.
Since natural soursop is not so easily available, there are many companies that drinks and capsule made of natural soursop fruits and leaves. You can buy these sour sop leaves teas and drinks in order to obtain the benefits of this miracle fruit.