Thursday, 26 May 2016

5 Superfood that are proven Effective in Curing Cancer

Every year, thousands in the US die due to cancer. It is probably the second most common cause of death in the United States. Needless to say, doctors consider it among the most dangerous diseases human races have ever faced. There are several reasons known for increasing the risk of cancer. Some are genetics, some environment related, while others are based on your diet and lifestyle. While some of these reasons cannot be controlled, many that are related your diet and lifestyle can be taken care of in a bid of lower the risk of this fatal disease. A well-planned diet that consists of some antioxidants rich superfood is what doctors suggest to prevent many cancers.
In this blog, we bring you a list of 5 superfood/fruits known to have cancer fighting properties. Take a look!

Soursop Leaves

As per a new study conducted at Purdue University in the United States, souraop leave content is very effective in curing as many as 12 types of cancers including breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. The study revealed the fact the soursop leaves have the ability to curb cancer cell growth, approximately 10000 times more than a Chemo.
To derive the maximum benefits of sour sop leaves, you should take soursop leave and boil them with 3 cups of water. Keep the liquid on the temperature until it remains only one cup. Take the drink twice a day, and it will surely help in killing cancer cells.

Green Tea

Many of us love green tea for its exotic taste and fat-killing properties. But not many know that green tea can also reduce the risk of several kinds of cancers. Green tea is actually rich in various nutrients such as catechins, xanthine derivatives, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin, which doctors believe can prevent the growth of cancer calls. Also, it has the properties that can prevent free radicals from damaging the healthy cells. To reap the rewards, drink at least 3-4 cups of green tea.

Blue Berries

Sweet, nutritious and low in calories, blueberry is a popular fruit. It is also considered a super food owing to its cancer fighting properties. Full of phytonutrients and antioxidants, this fruit can neutralize free radicals that damage cells, resulting into increased risk of cancer. The fruit is also very rich in vitamin C and K, which can help improve your immune system.

Soursop leave tea

Here is good news for tea-lover. There is soursop tea available in market – and that too with amazing health benefits. Manufactured by using natural soursop leaves, the tea contains various substances such as Thiamin, fiber, magnesium, iron and not to mention antioxidants, making it a real superfood. Its ability to cure and prevent cancer from happening is well known and well deserved.  


Drinking 2-3 cups of ginger tea daily also helps in reducing the risk of cancer, especially prostate, skin and pancreatic cancers. It contains the components with ability to inhabit cancer cells. However, it is advised to consult your doctor before taking a supplement.

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